ANALYTICAL STUDY TO DETERMINE THE FACTORS OF POVERTY IN NORTH SINAI GOVERNORATE دراسة تحلیلیة للعوامل المحددة للفقر فی محافظة شمال سیناء


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منابع مشابه

from linguistics to literature: a linguistic approach to the study of linguistic deviations in the turkish divan of shahriar

chapter i provides an overview of structural linguistics and touches upon the saussurean dichotomies with the final goal of exploring their relevance to the stylistic studies of literature. to provide evidence for the singificance of the study, chapter ii deals with the controversial issue of linguistics and literature, and presents opposing views which, at the same time, have been central to t...

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دراسة تحلیلیة للمشتبهات فی النص القرآنی

علم المتشابه من العلوم القرآنیه الذی یتناول لغه القرآن بمفهومها العام و هو علم له أصوله و فروعه و علماوه.ینقسم مصطلح المشتبهات اَو المتشابهات فی علوم القرآن إلی نوعین؛ الأول علم المتشابه مقابل المحکم و النوع الآخر هو التشابه فی الألفاظ و التراکیب، إذاً هناک نوعان من التشابه، تشابه؛ بمعنی الخفاء و اللبس العام و ذلک مما إستإثر الله بعلمه من حقائق المغیبات و الثانی تشابه خفیف لیس فیه لبس فی المعنی إ...

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a frame semantic approach to the study of translating cultural scripts in salingers franny and zooey

the frame semantic theory is a nascent approach in the area of translation studies which goes beyond the linguistic barriers and helps us to incorporate cognitive and cultural factors to the study of translation. based on rojos analytical model (2002b), which centered in the frames or knowledge structures activated in the text, the present research explores the various translation problems that...

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contribution of setting to the study of characters and the main idea in e. brontes: wuthering heights and t. hardys: return of the native.

this thesis aims to adduce an unmitigated and comprehensive explication concerning the relationship of three significant elements of fiction: setting, chracter and theme. my research is basically placed on two outstanding novels of the 19th century: emily brontes wuthering heights and thomas hardys return of the native. my endeavour lies in studying the correlation among the three above-mention...

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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences

سال: 2013

ISSN: 2090-3715

DOI: 10.21608/jaess.2013.43159